Danny Wilhelmus O’Koppers, Bryan McAlipiev, and I decided that we should take a side trip to Ireland while we were visiting London. I really wanted to see where my family is from and explore around County Cork and Dublin. We flew on Ryan Air which was quite an interesting experience. Think Southwest airlines but way shittier. Wilhelmus flew Ryan Air first class which does not exist but you can upgrade to have more leg room so he did. Don’t even ask Danny or Bryan if they like Ryan Air or they will go on and on about how shitty it is. It was only an hour flight so I figured it couldn’t be that bad but I was wrong. That’s what you get when you fly a budget airline so I guess you cannot expect luxury.

Things We Did in Ireland

    • Stayed in Some Really Great Places (See Pictures Below)
    • Went to the Guinness Factory and Drank the Best Guinness I have Ever Had in My Life
    • Rode in a Horse Carriage to the Jameson Factory Right After. The Horse’s Name is Jack
    • Danny Unbuttoned the Carriage and the Top Came Flying Down and Almost Decapitated Us. The Driver Was Not Happy
    • Ate at O’Neills in Dublin and had some Shepherds Pie
    • Went to a Shitty Casino in Dublin and Lost 100 Euro
    • Wilhelmus and I played Piano late night in Our Penthouse Apartment and Ate Paprika Pringles (The Official Pringle of Broatia)
    • Took a Train First Class to County Cork and Drank Guinness on Board
    • Walked Around Cork on Tuckey St. and Mostly Drank Beer
    • Watched Live Traditional Irish Music with Irish Dancing (Think Riverdance)
    • I Drank a Coffee for the First Time in 8 Years. It Tasted Good but Still Won’t Drink It
    • I Won 400 Euro at a Casino on Roulette. Placed Red and Black Bets and Won Three Times and Walked Away
    • Wilhelmus Won 1300 Euro Playing I don’t Know What Bets on Roulette and Won Big 5 Times in a Row and Walked Away. They Were Not Happy We Won
    • Took a Train First Class Back to Dublin the Next Day to Meet Up With Aggie
    • Rented a 3 Story House in Dublin that was Amazing
    • Watched a Gaelic Football Match. I Still Have No Idea What was Going on the Field
    • We Hung Out in the Temple Bar Area and Watched Live Music
    • Drank a Ton of Different Brands of Wiskey and hungout at a Really Cool Wiskey Bar
    • Flew Home

See the Pictures

Countries I Have Visited So Far

When I originally set out on Remote Year I thought I would only be visiting 10 different countries in 12 months. Since the start of my trip I now have been to 8. Hopefully I will go to over 20 by the time my Remote Year finishes.

  1. Moscow, Russia (Layover)
  2. Prague, Czech Republic
  3. Budapest, Hungary
  4. Belgrade, Serbia
  5. Split, Croatia (Sailboat Adventure)
  6. London & Dorset, England
  7. Dublin & County Cork, Ireland
  8. Lisbon, Portugal
  9. Gdansk, Poland (Scheduled this Month)


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