The food, the weather, the people, and the massive amount of bike riding made Amsterdam one of my favorite places i have visited. My friends Danny and Stephan did an excellent job showing us around the city and taking us to the must see places that mostly were not to touristy. We only had a few days to spend but Danny, Fico, Cookie, Bryan, Chase, Montrey and I made the most of it.

Top Things We Did in Amsterdam

  1. When we arrived we took a a Tesla taxi cab to our Airbnb which was really fun because I had never been in one before and our driver was definitely mashing on the accelerator.
  2. Danny showed everyone around the city a bit and then had everyone but me over to his house because I was taking a nap because I was exhausted from lack of sleep.
  3. We went to Ron’s Gastrobar Oriental which was one of the best meals that I have had on the trip. Ron used to have 2 Michelin stars for his restaurants but became tired of dealing with all the qualifications so he gave them up. Probably a good thing for us.
  4. We walked around a the city after and it was very eerie because the streets were completely empty in Amsterdam. They are always crowded but the night before they had the coldest day of the year and every though the next night was going to be freezing. It wasn’t.
  5. We went to the Rijksmuseum and the Van Gogh museum which was cool because they actually had paintings I wanted to see. Outside the also have the big red Amsterdam sign.
  6. We walked through the Red light district and could not stop laughing at how ridiculous the whole thing was and how horrified Cookie was. The girls were actually beautiful which I thought would be the opposite.
  7. We took a canal cruise and were able to see all the Christmas lights and installation. It was very entertaining. They even gave us Hot Tottis.
  8. Danny had a competition for the extra business class ticket from Amsterdam to Mexico City between Chase and Cookie. Chase ended up winning by default Cookie had work stuff.
  9. Bryan and I ate at La Perla, the best pizza place in Amsterdam. It was very Good.
  10. Danny and Fico raced Chase and Stephan down a small street on bikes and almost killed chase. I think Stephan and Chase won.
  11. Went to the coffee shops and tried the “coffee”. Was not impressed.
  12. Stephan took us to a cool concert where his friend’s band was playing . Pretty awesome.
  13. We went to a Whiskey bar after where Swaantje bought us all shots and after we went dancing.
  14. Montrey lost his jacket and passport in the street playing boxing jokingly with some people.
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