Dia Bom

Lisbon is quite renown for its famous seven hills. Walking them can definitely make you lose your breath but the constant sunshine makes you forget that you are breathing hard. Lisbon’s weather is like Southern California’s weather so naturally I fell in love with the place.  The people there very friendly and are accommodating to tourists. Most of the Portuguese people spoke English fairly well which made navigating the city much easier. There are so many historic sites to see and things to do that a month in Lisbon wasn’t enough time. I visited several beautiful beaches around the city and the thought, “Could I Live Here?” crossed my mind many times. Absolutely Yes! All the remotes on my trip have been talking about their favorite places to visit on the trip and Lisbon usually ranks #1 or #2 on their lists. Now that my Schengen Visa has reset, I cannot wait to plan a trip back to Lisbon and Europe.

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